Monday, October 15, 2012

Catching up

Our announcement! Taken by our amazing friend Kristy Magdich of Bella Posa.

We are 21 weeks pregnant now!  Time has gone so fast!  Since we just started this I will do a little bit of catch up.  We have been taking weekly belly pics to document my growth, but I wanted to be able to share and remember the other things that happened as well.  So here we go!  

First trimester was rough!  I had constant nausea, but only occasional vomiting (thank goodness)!  I still don't understand why they call it morning sickness, since it lasts all day.  I also had serious fatigue and back pain.  Drinking anything but bottled water (which I dislike fundamentally, because it is wasteful) made my stomach upset.  I could not cook or even open the refrigerator.  Thank goodness Brandon loves to cook (I am very blessed)!  I did not eat much either.  All of our OB appointments went well!  I even survived the first blood draw, but I came very close to passing out!  So here are some of the pictures to catch you up!
We found out on Father's Day! June 17, 2012

We started pics week 14, because the bump appeared!
Week 15

Week 16


  1. You have boobs! hahahaha......congratulations and enjoy this precious time in your lives.

    1. Thanks Linda! And it is a big change! That was actually one of my first clues that I was pregnant!

  2. You look great!!! I am so glad we can view your times through the pregnancy being so far apart! I will be checking in weekly to catch up ♡♥♡


    1. Thanks Steph! I thought this would be the best way to share with everyone that wanted to stay in the loop. Technology is great! <3

  3. Congratulations! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to meet her:) She and Tristan will have lots of playdates!


  4. you make me want to be pregnant again! its so beautiful carry your baby, the miracle of life inside of you!
    God bless you and your family!
